By Bobbie Jean Dicking . . . .
ACTS 2:1-4 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2)And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. 3)And there appeared unto them cloven tongues, like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. 4) And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Hello Precious People of God. Welcome to the new year. We have traveled through time and time has traveled through us. We have lived well over into 2024. To God be the glory.
It is time for those New Year Resolutions to be approached with caution and self-examination. I have chosen to declare a New Year Resolution. It is to Keep the unity this year.
“O, Hallelujah this morning.’ This is the praise phrase of Deacon Carter when he is opening our Church service. Next, Deacon McQuire reads from the Word of God and ends by saying “The Word of God for the people of God” Following this, Deacon Shepperd prays for the Rhema Family Church, asking God to bless the “entire” church family. Then Deacon Daniels raises his golden voice in a song of inspiration which draws the entire Rhema Congregation into a song of praise to The Lord.
Often, they are dressed in the same colors, but this is not where the power of our devotion comes from. Uniformity is not unity. The unity that these four men display comes from their love and dedication to The Lord. And it does my heart good to see these four men of God leading forth in unity. Even though they were called to do different things they are on one accord and come forth in unity for the glory of God. That is what I want to share with us today, UNITY.
The focus Scripture on that blessed concept is from Acts 2:1-4.
My Precious ones there is so much information in this Scripture that I am going to put just a little on our plates this morning. Of course, my focus is on prayer as usual.
It is pointed out to me that the coming of Holy Spirit was ushered in by unified prayer by a unified people. Jesus prayed for unity amongst we Christians in the 17th chapter of John. Jesus promised the presence of The Holy Spirit in the 14th chapter of John. The coming of Holy Spirit signaled the beginning of the New Testament Church. The coming of Holy Spirit was the promised presence of a comforter, helper, and teacher to followers of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit also came to help us pray. Lets look closer at the role prayer and unity played in the coming of Holy Spirit.
1. UNITY WAS NECESSARY BEFORE POWER COULD FULLY COME. Jesus told His disciples to go to Jerusalem and tarry until they were endowed with POWER from on high; even though the disciples had witnessed the miraculous power of Jesus as He ministered to the people; even though the disciples had gone out two by two and performed miracles themselves and saw that the devils were even subject to them, they still had to be filled with the Spirit of Holy Spirit. Peter, James, and John had witnessed the transfiguration of Jesus on the Mountain of Transfiguration. The disciples had been in the room with Jesus after His resurrection where Thomas had been given the privilege of examining the holes in His hand and feet. Yet, Jesus told them they MUST BE FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT OF HOLY SPIRIT. For this enablement they had to be unified on accord.
2. UNITY WAS ACCOMPLISHED WHEN THE PEOPLE WERE GATHERED TOGETHER. We can see here that it was important for all who wanted to be involved were gathered together in one place and space of time. God released His promised Comforter, Teacher, Power, and Guide upon those who gathered in unity.
3. UNITY REQUIRES THE INVOLVEMENT OF BOTH MALE AND FEMALE. Both the man and woman were anointed and appointed to receive The Holy Spirit. God modeled this when He placed His son into the womb of a woman (Luke 1:26-35). Jesus modeled this when he follows his mother’s instruction to handle the situation at the wedding where they had run out of wine (John 2:1-11). Jesus modeled this when He did not stop the Samaritan woman from going to tell of His arrival as the Mesiah (John 4:6-39). Also, both Anna and Simeon were left in the temple to give witness to the birth of the Messiah (Luke 2:36-40). Therefore, both men and women are there in the upper room. Yes, there was unity between women and men in the upper room and Holy Spirit fell upon each of them.
And so, my friends my New Years Resolution is to intensify UNITY in my walk with God, His work, and His people. Prayer continues to be the guiding principle of being unified in the will of God. Lord let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.