By Bobbie Dicking
Greetings Precious People of God HALLELUJAH and PRAISE THE LORD!
I am writing from arrears. I apologize for not keeping up with my letters to you all. I have been busier than I care to admit, but I hope you know that I have not missed a day of giving our Lord praise and thanksgiving for His continued mercy and grace towards us.
I am still coming forth on Facebook every Sunday morning at 8:00 am to share what God has laid on my heart. I am still attending church. I am still giving leadership in several groups, and I still having to be mindful of the attacks of Satan. Believe me Satan has been busy too, BUT GOD
July was a busy month for most of us. July 4th was Independence Day. People of The United States took this time to celebrate freedom from England. Of course, I praise God for my real Freedom Day, the day I was set free from sin. I remember it well. It was in a little church on B Street in Richmond, California. The revivalist was Reverend Curly from Mississippi. My sister Dorothy and my cousin Lucille ‘got religion on that night”. Today we say “got saved”.
Since that night, I backslid more times than I want to remember, but God is faithful. He never let go of my hand, and when July 4th, America’s independence day comes around, I celebrate MY SALVATION with loud praises and thanksgiving.
And then there was another special day in July. We celebrated our Annual Senior Day at the church where I attend. Once again God was good. Pastor John B. Hollman delivered a powerful word from the Lord that truly encouraged all of us. His topic was “You Have Not Come This Far Just to Come This Far”. O GLORY! He said 90% of the most difficult things that will happen to us has already happened. I could hear Lee Williams singing, “I’ve come too far to turn around now”.
But wait I celebrated 3 more events in the month of July
I have 2 wonderful children who were born in the month of July; and I answered my calling into the work of God in July 1984 after God proved to my satisfaction that He had called me and not man nor myself. OH GLORY!!!
Keep on being blessed to be a blessing precious people of God.