(Ecclesiastes 3)
By Bobbie Dicking…..
Hello Beautiful Precious people of God. I am late with the talk for September AND October. However, being the time traveler that I am, I will speak about September from memory.
Our Father’s blessing followed me throughout the month. My sister’s birthday was in early September and the day was almost gone before I remembered it. Of course she did not hold it against me. If she did, she kept it to herself. Ha Ha. Needless to say, I am at that privileged age when my cup is so full and running over with memories; I have trouble holding them all.
I noticed that time seems to be traveling faster now. It might be because news travels much faster than yester year. I am swamped with urgent tasks daily, do this, do that. We are busy people. There are so many things to celebrate. There is not enough time left for quality time with Our Father. The wise king Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes 3:1 “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven“
in September. I decided to investigate what events or ideas were celebrated other than birthdays. What I discovered was unbelievable We spend so much time celebrating and preparing to celebrate.
Two major days celebrated in September are Labor Day and Patriot Day honoring 911. Precious people you would not believe how many and how diverse the days set aside for celebration of one cause or another. Just to name a few; National Daughter’s Day, National Lobster Day, National Psychotherapy Day, National Drink Beer Day, National Cheese Pizza Day, National Report Medical Fraud Day.
But wait there are September Month activities to celebrate as well, not just one day out of the month, but all month long. A sampling of those are National Chicken Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, National Courtesy Month and National Suicide Prevention Month. America is a country of diversity and all of it is celebrated
I could not help but think, “about how this “Christian nation” celebrated The Lord. That opened another perspective for my now aggravated mind. The different religious days of celebration poured off the pages, and I regretted even breaching the subject of the ways and means of celebrations in which we Americans participate. , Hindus, Hispanics. Blacks, Jews, Arabic, Asian, Native Americans (including the Alaska population), OH MY GOD.
Where was God in all of September?? We must declare “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord”. I had to learn that I cannot answer the call to participate in all of the gaiety of the world I cannot serve God and popular society.
I looked back at the Mama Church Videos of September and saw the content of my inspiration from Father God, if you did not see them you still can. Mama Church chats can be found on Facebook.
On September 1stI began with the Ten Commandments and ended in a Spirit led prayer. On September 8th we chatted about prayer and love, noting that the greatest of the commandments is Love. On September 15, 22, and 29th the conversation was about prayer and love also.
It is becoming clear that PRAYER AND LOVE is my brand. In the 8th chat I shared that God told me in an audible voice, “Worry about nothing except the ability to love”.
In September I was able to visit my 92-year-old aunt in Los Angeles and give and receive love from her. She prayed for me and my sister, my niece, and a young play daughter. I shared the hotel with my baby sister and my first cousin niece. It was lovely to take time and fellowship with the two younger women. O BLESS HIS NAME.
The wise Ecclesiastes preacher tells us how to survive in this busy world. 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. Fear God and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
Thank you, Father, for you mercy, grace, and love. Amen.